Scientific Goals of the Project

The project aims to yield relevant contributions to theoretical understanding of strong interactions of elementary particles with focus on phenomena relevant to current and future experiments at  high excitation energies and high densities of nuclear matter, and on properties of dense nuclear matter relevant for composition and internal structure of neutron stars. It groups together researchers from several centres of theoretical particle-physics research in Slovakia (Bratislava, Košice, and Banská Bystrica), with broad expertise in strong-interaction problems, ranging from "first-principle" nonperturbative studies of QCD on a lattice, through models based on QCD, phenomenological approaches to describe experimental data, to astronuclear physics. The research will concentrate on four main directions:

  1. colour confinement and structure of the QCD vacuum,
  2. hard probes in processes in nuclear targets,
  3. hadron production in heavy-ion collisions, and
  4. cold and dense nuclear matter.

The project will be solved in international cooperation. Results will be published in scientific journals and presented at international conferences.