Project VEGA No. 2/0072/13 > Scientific Goals of the Project

Scientific Goals of the Project

The objective is to bring relevant contributions to understanding of strong interactions with emphasis on phenomena related to the vacuum structure of quantum chromodynamics and the mechanisms of confinement and spontaneous symmetry breaking. We will investigate the wave functional of the QCD vacuum, its percolation properties, and behaviour of various physical quantities in phases of strongly interacting matter. Further research topics will be the Schwinger model in covariant gauge and in finite volume, its operator solution as well as consequences of  restricted gauge symmetry for axial anomaly and vacuum structure; properties of the physical vacuum state and breaking of axial-vector symmetry in the chiral Gross-Neveu model; symmetry breaking in three-dimensional light front (LF) quantum electrodynamics and SU(2) gluodynamics in Hamiltonian LF formulation and in finite volume, focusing on the zero-mode dynamics of gauge fields.

Results will be published in renowned scientific journals.



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